Promotion of Win-Win Strategy between Related Institutions Using
MyData in the Public Sector in Korea




1. Background to promotion

The MyData project, which is being carried out by the public sector, is a key task of digital government innovation by which the general public, as an information main player, can directly manage and control their own information and independently use information in their daily lives as and when necessary. These services of MyData in the Public Sector enable access to various government services using only the required information, without requiring the issuance of documents, certificates, forms, or printouts, as members of the public directly use their own administrative information (MyData) held by public institutions.

Demand for the deployment of MyData services has steadily increased due to the convenience perceived by the public. Indeed, demand for the use of MyData in the Public Sector has risen significantly from 79 documents in 2020 to 228 documents in 2021. Since the revision of the three main data-related acts (January 2020), there has been considerable interest in and demand for MyData in the industrial sector. Furthermore, the interest in and demand for administrative identity information have also increased more than fivefold in the financial sector compared to 2020.

2. Main description and promotion procedure

The key point of the MyData in the Public Sector is to facilitate access to, and distribute, personal data. However, there have been many difficulties in terms of linkage and consultation with the various participating institutions with regard to data distribution.  To resolve this problem and expand the use of MyData in the Public Sector, the main goals of the project to distribute MyData in the Public Sector in 2021 have been to stabilize the services of MyData in the Public Sector, expand the range of service uses, arrange the related laws and acts and the related provide guidelines and build a distribution system (portal, etc.) of MyData in the Public Sector that ensures the right to data portability.

Among these goals, linkage and expansion of MyData in the Public Sector could be the key collaborative content of the win-win strategy between the related institutions that use MyData in the Public Sector. The linkage of MyData in the Public Sector means that individuals can provide ‘individual administrative information (provided documents)’ or administrative information held by administrative and public institutions in the form of ‘datasets’ by extracting only the items they need. New datasets are being discovered and data linkage promoted through continuous consultation with institutions that hold data and agencies that use data, while the level of demand among administrative and public institutions seeking to adopt the MyData services is being surveyed. The survey conducted in May 2021 found that some 228 documents had been provided for the services, while the comprehensive review conducted in June 2021 found that 32 documents of new datasets had been selected. Since then, work-related consultations have been ongoing, such as data linkage methods between institutions that hold data and agencies that use data, along with service model reviews. This project aims to provide MyData services related to the 32 new datasets by January 2022. 

The second key element of collaboration is the provision of support to the institutions participating in MyData in the Public Sector. Professional technical support and training aimed at enhancing competencies are provided so as to assist the smooth adoption of MyData in the Public Sector by more administrative and public institutions. The technical support center of MyData in the Public Sector is operated and managed to conduct service reception, collect the consulting history, and provide consulting support. In addition, competence training customized to consumers is provided for the responsible parties, such as ministries, agencies, local governments, and public institutions. 

3. Major achievements and success factorsn

There have been two major achievements resulting from consultation with the related institutions using MyData in the Public Sector. The most important achievement is the ongoing improvement of administrative work efficiency and service convenience. From the viewpoint of the general public, the inconvenience involved in the issuance and submittal of required documents during administrative work has been eliminated, and more convenient services are now available. From the viewpoint of administrative and public institutions, their work efficiency has been improved as they can process administrative information directly from their computers, unlike in the past when they had to view and handle the documents submitted by individual persons. 

As an example of the improvement of efficiency and convenience, the Gyeonggi-do Job Foundation, Small Enterprise and Market Service, and collaboration between the Korea Credit Information Services and Samsung Card have been confirmed as having successfully provided demonstration services in 2021. With the expansion of the scope of the demonstration service in 2022, service requests for passport applications, rental housing subscriptions for low-income families, and much more will be completed at once without requiring the submittal of any additional documents.

Another key achievement concerns the strengthening of the collaborative system. A consultative group of institutions that use dataset services of MyData in the Public Sector (June 2021 to January 2022) and work consultation to promote MyData in the Public Sector with 19 related institutions, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Seoul City (July 1, 2021), has been arranged to consolidate the system of collaboration between institutions. In the future, legislation will be established and arranged to stabilize and promote services of MyData in the Public Sector. As the two main applicable laws, namely the Complaint Handling Act and the Electronic Government Act, have been enforced since the second half of 2021, it is necessary to rapidly establish and promulgate the revised subordinate statutes as early as possible, which should be followed by the establishment of instructions and guidelines that explain how to implement and process the right to data portability, which is specified in the applicable laws. The urgent demand for the transmission of MyData in the Public Sector will be responded to through collaboration and consultation with the relevant institutions. The gradual expansion of the services is now underway, along with the provision of 90 datasets as of October 2021, in accordance with the aim of providing 140 datasets by 2022, and 180 datasets by 2023.

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