Officials from the Tanzanian National Identification Authority (NIDA) Visit the Digital Government Exhibit Hall




On December 12, 2023, five officials from the Tanzanian National Identification Authority (NIDA) visited the Digital Government Exhibition Hall. The visit was organized for the purpose of allowing the visitors to understand Korea’s ICT and digital government policies and experience the country’s innovative digital government practices powered by AI, big data, and other emerging technologies, including the e-government system and information training for public officials.

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During the visit, the officials learned about the current progress of Korea’s digital platform government initiative and the best practices in the field and engaged in active discussions on various topics related to Korea’s best digital government practices, including Government 24 and electronic certificates, and follow-up plans after digital platform government development.

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All of the trainees also had a tour of the exhibition hall. They experienced the past, present, and future of Korea’s digital government, including the history and future of Korean digital government, the digital government service map, customized life-cycle services, outstanding digital government content, overseas expansion of the Korean digital government model, and the Online Digital Government Exhibition Hall.

  • Exhibithall

Digital Govertnment
42, Doum 6-ro, Sejong-si, 30112, Republic of Korea
TEL. +82-44-205-2793 E-mail.

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